NAEYC Accreditation Registry Tools

Note: These tools are available only to the individual(s) with administrative access to the program's account. See Instructions - Administrators under the login section of the Registry homepage

The Office of Early Childhood supports your efforts for NAEYC Accreditation. The Registry's tools are designed

       (1) to help program staff plan regarding staff education criteria, and then
       (2) to reduce work in submitting documentation of these qualifications to NAEYC.

To help programs in planning for NAEYC education criteria: Once education qualifications evidence is submitted to OEC, program administrators can use these tools at any time to measure where their program staff qualifications are in relation to NAEYC's criteria. Programs do not need to be engaged in NAEYC Accreditation to use these tools! As a planning tool, these help a program consider hiring practices, professional development needs, and documentation necessary to meet NAEYC's criteria.

To reduce paperwork redundancy for the program and offer a streamlined process: Per agreement with NAEYC, Connecticut programs utilizing the OEC Registry need only submit the Official OEC NAEYC Staff Report in lieu of all the transcripts, diplomas and other documents required for the education criteria materials. As many programs already utilize the OEC Registry to verify staff education qualifications, this agreement helps reduce time and duplicate paper in NAEYC submissions!

NAEYC Registry Tool: Steps

Use these steps to ensure the correct information is entered into the OEC Registry to accurately calculate how a program meets NAEYC Accreditation staff education criteria. Always refer to for full detail.

Click here for steps to an accurate report.